
“We do not strive to be founders or CEOs, we strive to be ourselves.”

Hunter S. Thompson


“To put our faith in tangible goals would seem to be, at best, unwise. So we do not strive to be firemen, we do not strive to be bankers, nor policemen, nor doctors. We strive to be ourselves”

Martin Buber


“We can be redeemed only to the extent to which we see ourselves.”


The alienation occurs as a mind in solitude becomes overwhelmed with the strangeness of how they view the world within the complex and frightening manner of how the world currently operates. The obsession of this gap takes root as society seemingly isolates them by asking “what’s wrong with this person?”.


384-322 BC

“Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god”

Albert Camus


“Therefore the first progressive step for a mind overwhelmed by the strangeness of things is to realize that this feeling of strangeness is shared with all men and that human reality, in its entirety, suffers from the distance which separates it from the rest of the universe. The malady experienced by a single man becomes a mass plague. In our daily trials rebellion plays the same role as does the "cogito" in the realm of thought: it is the first piece of evidence. But this evidence lures the individual from his solitude. It founds its first value on the whole human race. I rebel— therefore we exist.”


With this alienation obviously universal to all minds, the recognition that this pain is shared enables us all to be extremely ourselves and for beauty to take hold in how many people’s lives harmonize to make the vision of a company come together.”

Thierry Mugler


“For me, beauty comes from the freedom to dare to be different. It’s all about being extremely yourself. Beauty is not used anymore as an emotional link for people, which is not right, because beauty is one of the most important things in life — and the world — if you are taking the time to look at it.”

Jim Simons


“Be guided by beauty. It can be a way a company runs, or the way an experiment comes out, or the way a theorem comes out, but there’s a sense of beauty when something is working well, almost an aesthetic to it.”


While a cynic sees only a price, the “alien” with the updated worldview may uniquely assess value of a new beautiful way a segment of the economy for humanity may operate.”

Oscar Wilde


“A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.”

Warren Buffet

1930 - present

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”


The distinct perspectives on the RISK involved in achieving value, as articulated by thinkers like Claude Shannon and John Kelly Jr., highlight the uncertainties and potential pitfalls that must be navigated.

Claude Shannon


“The Bell System Technical Journey”

John Kelly Jr



The insights from experts such as Thorp, Simons, Black, and Scholes demonstrate how the perceived RISK influences the PRICE that the market sets.

Photo of Ed Thorp

Ed Thorp

Ed Thorp, 1932 - present

Fischer Black , Myron Scholes

1938-1995, 1941-present


With a clear understanding of RISK and PRICE, markets can effectively DISTRIBUTE resources.

Karl Marx


“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”
Photo of Alan Greenspan and Ayn Rand

Alan Greenspan

1926 - present

“I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well.”